Thursday, April 2, 2020

CORONA ra Karuna!!!

CORONA Ra Karuna!!

I am sick of  and not from Corona. Being part of some 20 odd whatsapp groups, i observed many today have become Corona Evangelist.We are talking more about Corona than Jesus Christ. Social distancing is coming at the cost of extra gadget gorging and browsing and specifically “Corona bingeing”(excessive indulgence in Corona activity) a new menace during this lockdown.” I discern in this world, that after this lockdown period, real Christians will come out with a new vigour for the ministry but fakes will slide to the mud of sin deeper.” Dear students& graduates, this is a test of our foundations to see whether our spiritual life will stand this COVID storm.

Looking around, I see some of these Corona menance catching us all -students and graduates in a different way. Here are some observations from my watsapp group that I picked up. Find your type or add your type :)

1st The Hyper-vigilant: Some of us are careful, others vigilant. Being careful is sure, wise. But being ultra-careful and hyper-vigilant are impractical excesses that could steal the life out of us, as we attempt to protect the very thing we have already traded. Hyper-vigilance calls for one to be on top of the information game, at all times. Info-bingers
2nd The Broadcaster:Bingers make good broadcasters . ‘Sharing is caring’, that’s the oath by which they live. Some of us strongly feel a calling to share and we go on an overdrive and spam our groups.

3rd The Panicky: Fear that is constantly fed, could lead to anxiety. Anxiety unaddressed for prolonged periods of time may lead to panic. Panic is described as a sudden rush of fear and anxiety, intense enough to cause both physical and psychological symptoms. In Panic, the level of fear/anxiety experienced is extremely unrealistic and way out of proportion to the events or circumstances.

4rth The End Timer:
Here’s our ‘hobby-end-timer’. He swings into swift action, as though he were waiting for Corona to show-up. Rapture, Left-behind, Tribulation -Spiritualizing are his ‘strengths’. Sometimes terrorizing souls into the kingdom. Often, well-intentioned. Perhaps, a little biased. Eternity will tell.

5th The Iron Man: Feel free to call him Thor or Hulk – this is our very own Corona Avenger! Unfazed, brave, mighty, gutsy and I must include brash. He thinks his body has already developed antibodies to COVID-19 . And so he ventures brazenly towards it! Rubbishing everything from social distancing, to sanitizers and mask . Yes i am talking about you ________ :)
6thThe Spectator: Two-thirds of every WA group /FB/Insta/Twitter followers – the silent Spectators. They are watching. Perhaps they are reading, hearing. But you have no way of ever finding what they think or feel, one way or the other, about this pandemic COVID or anything for that matter. No they won’t – like, share or comment. They will continue to exist for a long time to come!
Lets face the fact-Today each of us have become CORONA BINGERS at some point in time (at least I am). Some positive, some negative.

BUT How Now Shall We Live:
1st Be Sensitive: Fear, anxiety, panic and despair is written large across the globe. We don’t have to fuel the fire and amplify fear and despair. Hope diffuses fear. Anchored hope, is the need of the hour.Rom 8:24 declares “For in hope we have been saved”
2nd Be Sensible: While many panic, there are some Iron Men strutting around. As though they are immune to infection. We should be bold, yet cautious. Even if one were asymptomatic, he could be carrying bugs around and cause the weaker brother to stumble, because of his faith!(rom 14:20) Comply with governmental norms. Let’s be responsible for the sake of others.
3rd Be Sacrificial: While we are sensitive and sensible, having hope, dispelling fear, we need to be purposeful and practical. Sacrifice is the hallmark of Christian discipleship. We need to be prepared to walk the talk and validate our faith through our deeds (when called to, in this specific context)
In Jesus Christ alone, we have the true Messiah, uniquely qualified, not just to sympathize but empathize with our struggles and sorrows.(Heb4:15) For “he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed”(Isa53:5). He tells us today, ‘Fear not, I AM with You.’(Isa41:10)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”....

“How much dynamite do you need to blow up a dam?”
“It all depends on where you put it”....( scene from the Movie “force 10”)

Application lesson-If you know what you are doing, you don’t need an nuclear bomb to wreak havoc. A little dynamite in the right place will do the trick. All it takes is a few cracks, well-placed, at the right moment, and the whole thing comes crumbling down.

Today those who attacked the institution of marriage have laid their explosives in the right place. After the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage, we can see cracks in the foundation with water pouring through. The dam will collapse eventually, washing away the traditional definition of marriage altogether.
Similar advances have been made at our countries educational system too with practices like Yoga, Meditation,mythological study, alterations in history syllabus, etc...

Similarly many more cracks on Biblical faith foundations may be on cue. Jesus said in this world you will have troubles. Paul said “take heed that you may not fall”.Today as never before, our biblical foundations is going through an undermining attack.

Today, the word of God is given less importance compared to programs and activities. Watsapp communication has replaced personal care. Evangelism is limited to workshops and talks. Moral purity is neither pursued nor admired . Social contribution is limited to being philanthropic for a few photo clicks. These very foundations are being altered to the point of being destroyed.
Are these problems new? NO!! Even in Biblical times,David asks the poignant question in Psalm 11:3, “When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Let me bring you to the answer through a real analogy.
“We stay in a rented house which since built had a menacing termite problem. Result of it, every thing wooden or ply was getting destroyed by termites within. Now, we tried all solutions possible on the surface level, but after some months, the termite would again comeback. Even our owner staying on the 2nd floor was not spared by the termite menance. Finally, the solution came from a termite expert company who suggested us to drill small holes in the foundation around the house and then apply termite solution into those holes at the foundation and around the wooden shelves. “Making holes in the foundation and infuse solution”- who would in the right sense do that but then in order to get of rid of this termite menace the owner finally did it. Today its been 2 years and we have not faced the problem again.

You see everything we did till now was on surface level but the termites had already affected the house foundations, so something at the core had to be done. It was a foundation issue and so the axe had to be laid at the root of the problem, and when we did, the problem was addressed.”

What i am coming up with, is this- we can turn around the devils attacks on his own head. The cracks developed today on our faith foundations can be a way of rebuilding and repairing it from the root itself where the problem lies.(like my analogy about the termite solution at the foundations)

Hope you got the link. Now lets get back to David’s question- When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Lets look at the answer from the same passage Psalm 11
Today the Righteous need to make:
I.Our Commitment:
a-We Will Not Flee-“I have taken refuge in the Lord. How can you say to me, ‘Escape to the mountain like a bird!’” (v. 1)

b-We Will Not Fear- “For look, the wicked string the bow; they put the arrow on the bowstring to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart” (v. 2).

II. Our Confidence
a-God’s Presence-“The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven” (v. 4).

b-God’s Judgment- “His eyes watch; He examines everyone. The Lord examines the righteous and the wicked. He hates the lover of violence. He will rain burning coals and sulphur on the wicked; a scorching wind will be their portion” (v. 4-6)

c-God’s Deliverance-“For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteous deeds. The upright will see His face” (v. 7).
Lets make our commitment and put our confidence in the Lord and see the Lords glory and name lifted high. Amen!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Unit, Love, Prayer

For a time like this, when the very fabric of secularism is challenged by the enforcement of govt.
acts like Citizen Amendment Act (Jan 10th), UESI thrust area for 2021- UNITY, LOVE and
PAYER is so timely. We,in UESI as a student relevant movement are standing at a very important
juncture in time. Because world over youth students are leading a change. We as Evangelical stu-
dents of India also need to prepare our biblical response to these situation and times. Lets pray
and act that the pages of history will remember us EU students as children of light whose lamps
were not put under a basket (Mt 5:14)

Dear Student , are you fully aware of whats happening around you?Read Gods word but also
read Gods world. Make your own stands. Prepare your defense (1pet3:15). We are under attack.
The very principles and foundations of Bible are. There is no in between stand (Joshua 24:14-
15).Youth across the world have taken to the streets world over and taken the charge of resisting
the change and in some nations leading the change too. Where are we?
Question: Why should i care?It is but natural that you ,the youth should be concerned, as you are
the ones who hold the future universe in your hands. Listen to 17 year Swedish environmental
activist Greta Thunberg who says beautifully in her TEDex talk- "I was diagnosed with Asper-
ger's syndrome, OCD and selective mutism. That basically means I only speak when I think it's
necessary. Now is one of those moments."...and she spoke . Google her name to check her
The point i am making is "she spoke in a time like this" and so should every believing EU stu-
dent take stand and speak. We all have been given platforms ,a stage in which God has placed us
to stand. Our friend circle, our phone contacts, social media acquaintances. RememberMt 5:14-
16 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people
light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone
in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others.
Create awareness, bring dialogue, develop an action. Now action might mean even stepping up
to share your views,raise voice to create solidarity. And this is where digital media helps all
youngsters feel they finally have a voice and arm as strong as that of any adult.
Question:What change students have bought after all this years? Students have been at the fore-
front of political and social movements-candlelight vigils for violence against women for Jessi-
cal lal and Nirbhaya, agitation against Rohit Vemulas suicide or for kanhaiya Kumar and now
protests against the CRA+NRC+NPR.

One change is in the impact and reach of protests among the known world. Technology
makes communication far more effective not just for organising movements but also for assem-
bling information and raising awareness.
Now as i search for a biblical response to the unprecedented issues of our times, UESI thrust of
Unity, love and prayer draws parallel to the prayer in Johns chapter 17. Here in this chapter Jesus
in His high priestly prayer reiterates himself many times and also speaks to us the need and want
of love and unity, and how prayer can bring in this change.

Question : What if i dont want to bring the change?. What if i dont pray towards unity and love
in this nation. What if i am not involved? What if ....?
I am reminded of the prophetic and faithful words of uncle Mordecai to Esther in 4:14 " For if
you remain silent now, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another ... The fact
is, even if you remain silent now, someone else will help and rescue the Jews, but you and your
relatives will die. And who knows, you may have gained your royal position for a time like this."
My dear UESIO comrades, you have gained access to your friends, your smartphone, your privi-
leges for a time like this . Create awareness, bring dialogue, develop an action. Use every
platform you know towards this aim.”mimes,tik-tok,blogs,tweet,you tube,instagram,face-
book,WhatsApp” are just some of the ways. Get involved and engage the world around you. And
let our prayer be like Lord Jesus- "By this all men will know you are my disciples, when you
love one another"(Jn13:34,35).Unity, love & prayer in action- All in One for a time like this.!!