“How much dynamite do you need to blow up a dam?”
“It all depends on where you put it”....( scene from the Movie “force 10”)
Application lesson-If you know what you are doing, you don’t need an nuclear bomb to wreak havoc. A little dynamite in the right place will do the trick. All it takes is a few
cracks, well-placed, at the right moment, and the whole thing comes crumbling down.
Today those who attacked the institution of marriage have laid their explosives in the right place. After the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage, we can see cracks
in the foundation with water pouring through. The dam will collapse eventually, washing away the traditional definition of marriage altogether.
Similar advances have been made at our countries educational system too with practices like Yoga, Meditation,mythological study, alterations in history syllabus, etc...
Similarly many more cracks on Biblical faith foundations may be on cue. Jesus said in this world you will have troubles. Paul said “take heed that you may not fall”.Today as never before, our biblical foundations is going through an undermining attack.
Today, the word of God is given less importance compared to programs and activities. Watsapp communication has replaced personal care. Evangelism is limited to workshops and talks. Moral
purity is neither pursued nor admired . Social contribution is limited to being philanthropic for a few photo clicks. These very foundations are being altered to the point of being destroyed.
Are these problems new? NO!! Even in Biblical times,David asks the poignant question in Psalm 11:3, “When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Let me bring you to the answer through a real analogy.
“We stay in a rented house which since built had a menacing termite problem. Result of it, every thing wooden or ply was getting destroyed by termites within. Now, we tried all
solutions possible on the surface level, but after some months, the termite would again comeback. Even our owner staying on the 2nd floor was not spared by the termite menance. Finally, the solution came from a termite expert company who suggested us to drill small holes in the foundation around the house
and then apply termite solution into those holes at the foundation and around the wooden shelves. “Making holes in the foundation and infuse solution”- who would in the right sense do that but then in order to
get of rid of this termite menace the owner finally did it. Today its been 2 years and we have not faced the problem again.
You see everything we did till now was on surface level but the termites had already affected the house foundations, so something at the core had to be done. It was a foundation issue
and so the axe had to be laid at the root of the problem, and when we did, the problem was addressed.”
What i am coming up with, is this- we can turn around the devils attacks on his own head. The cracks developed today on our faith foundations can be a way of rebuilding and repairing
it from the root itself where the problem lies.(like my analogy about the termite solution at the foundations)
Hope you got the link. Now lets get back to David’s question- When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Lets look at the answer from the same passage Psalm 11
Today the Righteous need to make:
I.Our Commitment:
a-We Will Not Flee-“I have taken refuge in the Lord. How can you say to me, ‘Escape to the mountain like a bird!’” (v. 1)
b-We Will Not Fear- “For look, the wicked string the bow; they put the arrow on the bowstring to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart” (v. 2).
II. Our Confidence
a-God’s Presence-“The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven” (v. 4).
b-God’s Judgment- “His eyes watch; He examines everyone. The Lord examines the righteous and the wicked. He hates the lover of violence. He will rain
burning coals and sulphur on the wicked; a scorching wind will be their portion” (v. 4-6)
c-God’s Deliverance-“For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteous deeds. The upright will see His face” (v. 7).
Lets make our commitment and put our confidence in the Lord and see the Lords glory and name lifted high. Amen!